
Click on the above images to download the Sponsor Pledge Form.  Please just complete this and hand it in at the swim registration, so that we can keep a tally of how much sponsorship money the Brownsea Swim generated and for which Charities. you raised the money for.

 We thank you in advance.

Raising additional funds for charities of your choice when you do the swim.

We estimate that our swimmers have raised approximately £152,000 for different charities over the years. 

Why not use this event to raise Sponsorship for a charity of your choice or for RLSS Poole Lifeguard, who actually organise this event in their own spare time, and are a Registered Charity of their own, whose main aim is to provide vital training in Life Saving Skills to the Lifeguards of our future.

Should you wish to make an additional donation to RLSS Poole Lifeguard, this can be done when you confirm your swim entry place. This is entirely optional but would be very much welcomed and appreciated :-) 

Not only do we have our own Green Environmental Policy, we also work with the National Trust one of our event partners to help support them in their marine conservation projects and in lowering the environmental/single-use-plastic footprint of the swim as far as possible.

We ask that you help us keep track of the funds you raise by letting us know which charity you will be supporting when you buy your entry place. We will then ask for the amount pledged for that charity on the day of the swim at the registration desk. (details on this will be sent out to swimmers in the swim information pack). We can then record how much the Brownsea Swim benfitted multiple charities.